

‎~~~Sir & Shekhar~~~

Shekhar: - See...See...what rank I got in Global Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test..
Sir: - Second from the bottom...ha...ha...ha..
Shekhar: - You are laughing, how mean! I have understood now what you teach us..
Sir: - Don’t you watch films, oh, off course, else why ‘Bodyguard’ and ‘Singham’ would have been overnight hits. Anyway, try some intelligent cinema like ‘Aarakshan’ and then you’ll realize that in the name of ‘Aarakshan’ what ‘Mr.Jha’ has served us…Go through and get the output (about me),,,and even the funda can help you the next time you’ll give the exam……..

‎~~~Sir & Shekhar~~~

Shekhar: - Remarkable....Remarkable....Remarkable....!!!
Sir: - What happened???
Shekhar: - Sir FMCG is imbuing with a remarkable pace into 'Rural-India' with the products leading like noodles and soft drinks. Thank God,,, now they would have an opportunity to change their tastes...
Sir: - Don't thank God,,, thank our Governmental policies which will lead our rurals towards – eat less, work more and get into the shape type of format…

‎~~~Sir & Shekhar~~~

Shekhar: - Sir, Marijuana is better for lungs rather than tobacco a report......
Sir (Interruptedly): - Yeah, Do you know what it means? It means to die more slowly, consume more frequently,,, after all it's a business, how could one let their potential consumers die early...

‎~~~Sir & Shekhar~~~

Shekhar: - Sir I am planning to set a fashion store like 'LYON' in 'INDIA.'
Sir: - It won't be a profitable business here, you would suffer loss.
Shekhar: - But why sir?
Sir: - Coz the number of 'Bhuka-Nanga' is much more and genuine here and not intentional like westerns.

‎~~~Sir & Shekhar~~~

Shekhar: - Sir I have come to know about the decreased number of polio cases in India & since last year only a single case has been registered...What a Governance!!!
Sir: - What a Governance, Haaaah...!!! Didn't you hear, they were saying about door-to-door distribution & what about those millions lives on streets and footpaths hmmm? By the way what's your source of information?
Shekhar: - Sir, UNICEF.
Sir: - Ha...Ha...Ha...Pren...Pren - Attention listeners one more scam is set to reveal.

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